
Wooden vs Composite Fencing – what should you choose for your garden?

With autumn just around the corner – arguably the best season for a garden makeover is here. And what’s a bigger change to a garden than a new fence?

One of the UK’s fencing industry leaders, First Fence, decided to look into some of the most popular garden fencing options and share their expert opinion on the topic.

So, onto the question of the day - wooden or composite fencing? First Fence outlined some of the key areas to consider before you can find an answer yourself:

  • Durability & Maintenance
  • Appearance
  • Sustainability
  • Cost
  • Availability

Make sure to read until the end to learn more about a promotion First Fence is currently running!

Durability & Maintenance

In simple terms, composite fencing is a superior choice based on durability.

Since it’s made from a mix of wood fibres and plastic – it’s weather resistant, it doesn’t warp or move due to wet or dry conditions, and it’s immune to rot & wood-eating organisms. Whilst you can achieve similar results with a wooden fence, depending on your coating choices, the effects won’t be as high quality nor last as long.

You should also note that composite fencing is very easy to install. As it only requires basic tools and the parts are interchangeable.

The difference in maintenance is even wider. As mentioned above – a wooden fence will need recoating every 2 years. While composite fencing should last for the better part of 20 years without any additional coating or cleaning as it prevents dirt from clinging on.


As with most things regarding looks – it’s very subjective.

Composite fencing, regardless of where you buy it, will have a very similar appearance. It’s manufactured to look aesthetically pleasing. Even though you can’t repaint it, you can customise it with decorative stainless-steel boards.

So, if a modern look is what you’re out for – composite is your pick.

On the other hand, wooden fencing comes in a wide variety. Different wood types, styles, textures, finishes, colours – you name it. On top of that, a wooden fence can be painted & designed any way you wish. But it’s worth mentioning, that you won’t achieve the same colours as with composite fencing.


Composite fencing is very sustainable as a premanufactured fencing choice, considering that the materials used to make it are 98% recycled and it’s 100% recyclable as a finished product.

Similar things can be said about wooden fencing. Both fence types are made mostly out of wood which is a sustainable material. Although, wooden fencing doesn’t use any plastic. But it requires higher maintenance, recoating every couple of years, and replacements are more frequent.

In other words, both are eco-friendly. The main thing to consider is how sustainable the process of maintaining a wooden fence is.


Without beating around the bush, let’s talk cost. Unfortunately for composite fencing, wooden fence panels are a much cheaper option.

On average, a timber fencing panel will cost you around £30. Whilst a composite fencing panel will set you back around £200. But it’s important to note that composite fencing will come in a set of 12 boards, top and bottom profiles, and a post. Whilst for wooden fencing these will be separate purchases.

Keep in mind that you’ll need more than one panel to fence in your garden, not to mention preparing the ground & installing fence posts. In other words, the expenses can rack up.

Although, composite fencing has longevity in its corner. With a wooden fence, you’ll need to treat the wood every 2 years or so. While composite fencing will last around 20 years before you’ll need to replace it.

So, the question you need to ask yourself is - whether the longevity and minimal maintenance justify the initial cost of composite fencing?


To put it frankly, you can purchase wooden fencing almost anywhere. The list of suppliers is close to endless, and fencing can come in all types and sizes.

Whilst composite fencing has only been around for roughly 10 years and is considered a more premium option. So, not only has it had less time to become widely available, but it’s also harder to acquire for sellers.

Although you should be on the lookout for distributors, like First Fence, that can offer you a same/next-day delivery on composite fencing. Not only that, but First Fence are also running a promotion – for every order over £600 + VAT, the customer will receive a £50 B&Q gift card (as long as the order is placed before 02/09/2022)!


Overall, both wooden and composite fencing come quite close in sustainability. The real difference takes shape once compared between cost & longevity.

With composite fencing having a drastically higher price – wooden fencing may be your best choice if you’re looking for something affordable.

But composite can nevertheless be cost-effective. Considering that it requires little to no maintenance during its 20-year life span. So, it can save you money & time long-term, while maintaining a sleek look.

The final thing to note, there is no right choice. It’ll more than likely depend on your individual circumstances. Hopefully, the list of considerations assisted you in reaching your final decision.