£55m Friar Gate transformation tipped to get the go-ahead

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Derby City Council members are set to decide the future of the Friar Gate Goods Yard site in Derby.

The site has been vacant for almost 50 years and has negatively impacting the appearance of the city centre.

The joint landowners, Clowes Development and Wavensmere Homes presented plans last year to breathe new life into the abandoned property.

With an investment totalling £55m, their proposal aims to repurpose the space into a mixed-use area, featuring nearly 300 new homes, precisely 276 units.

As part of the proposal, the plan entails the restoration of two Grade II-listed buildings on the premises: the Bonded Warehouse and the Engine House, both of which have suffered fire damage and have been neglected for an extended period.

The structures are slated for

 link source - The Business Desk

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