Major milestone reached with topping out of National Rehabilitation Centre

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A significant milestone in the construction of the NHS National Rehabilitation Centre (NRC) was reached this week.

The £105m NRC programme is building a 70-bed, state-of-the-art and energy efficient new facility, run by Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust and part of the Government’s New Hospital Programme. Research, innovation and training will be led by academic partners the University of Nottingham and Loughborough University.

IHP, a joint venture between VINCI Building and Sir Robert McAlpine, hosted a formal ‘Topping Out Ceremony’ at the Stanford Hall Rehabilitation Estate near Loughborough, marking the building reaching its highest level and the completion of the building’s frame.

The NRC is due to open in 2025 and aims to transform clinical treatment for patients in the East Midlands, and set a new standard for research and innovation, and education and training in rehabilitation for the whole of the UK.

The celebration was attended by key stakeholders including Sir Andrew McAlpine – partner at Sir Robert McAlpine on behalf of IHP, the Black Stork Charity, University of Nottingham, Loughborough University, and the Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre, located on the same estate.

Pip Logan, Professor of Rehabilitation Research and Occupational Therapist at the School of Medicine, University of Nottingham,

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