Press for Attention PR returns to back ‘Responsible Business’ at the East Midlands Bricks Awards 2024

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Long-running sponsor, Press for Attention PR, has returned to back the East Midlands Bricks Awards for 2024, eager to once again support the Responsible Business category.

Greg Simpson, founder of Press for Attention PR, shared: “I have sponsored The Bricks for many years now and as far as I recall, always this particular category. Why is that? Well, it is the PR and the former journalist in me combined.

“There are some superb stories that come to light here that might otherwise struggle to make the news or are perhaps kept under the bushel to an extent. I get that. The work and changes that are being created are the key thing when it comes to being responsible from an ESG perspective, not the column inches. That being said, here’s a chance to cast off those sharing shackles and to shine the spotlight proudly on some of the fantastic feats and worthy work that is taking place across the region within the built environment. Cheers to you all.”

A former business journalist, Greg Simpson is the author of The Small Business Guide to PR and has been recognised as one of the UK’s top 5 PR consultants, having set up Press for

 link source - East Midlands Business Link General

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