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Millions of pounds of investment in Long Eaton are making a positive impact for residents and businesses.
The Long Eaton Town Deal projects – made possible following Government funding of £25 million in 2021 – are reaching the development phase, with some now complete.
New lighting is now in place at West Park; 42 low-energy lampposts light up an extra 1.2 kilometres of pathway, and work has started on the park’s events field which will be a showcase venue for open-air concerts and outdoor events.
Work to put in place a new iconic bridge over the canal from Broad Street to the park and create an attractive waterfront where people can relax will start in January.
The design of a new bridge at the former Britannia Mills – which will form part of a much-improved walking and cycling network – is due to be finalised. Planning permission is expected in September with work anticipated to start in March.
Work continues to convert listed outbuildings at Long Eaton Town Hall to create a modern business hub providing managed workspace units for local businesses.
As well as this, Erewash Borough Council recently acquired all the properties at Galaxy Row which includes a
link source - East Midlands Business Link - Property