
Sales Calls Aren't Dead - Thrive are proving it with Cash Incentive for Sales outreach

Sean Reddington, the CEO of Thrive Learning, has created a new and exciting initiative to encourage those within the business to develop the core skills which will aid them throughout their careers.

Starting his own career fresh from school, Sean understands firsthand the importance of upskilling and developing key skills early on. Passionate about ensuring his team does the same, the new initiative aims to improve the teams’ ability to speak to prospective new clients on the phone. Presented in a ‘game show’ style, team members can win:

  • £10,000 cash for the most qualified meetings booked by the end of the year
  • £2,500 for the opportunity that has the biggest value by the end of the year

Sean Reddington says “Navigating the challenging world of outbound sales is tough, especially now people are more likely to send an email than hop on a call or meet face-to-face. For new starters, the idea of ‘cold calling’ can come with negative connotations and be a hugely daunting prospect, but I truly believe in the power of picking up the phone and making a true human connection from the get-go.

“LinkedIn Influencers like Chris Walker etc. Cold outreach is 'dead' However, inspired by the success of landing customers such as British Airways & Vita Coco this way. we wanted to do something different, bet on our people and prove them wrong. This is why we’ve launched something different and unheard of in the tech industry. Moving away from the tech-driven tools and bringing back the traditional methods of picking up a phone and making a call. We want to invest in our team, and this initiative is the perfect opportunity to develop a skill that will give those in their early careers an edge over others and the confidence to carry it forward in their careers.”